These comments were delivered at the St. Paul Stand Up For Religious Freedom rally by Dr. Anne Maloney, on June 8th, 2012, in front of the Warren E. Burger Federal Building in St. Paul. Dr. Maloney is an Associate Professor of Philosophy at the University of St. Catherine.
This is not a place I thought that I would ever be. I am a big fan of St. Thomas More, and I have seen, many times, Robert Bolt’s play A Man For All Seasons. Bolt’s play shows us what happens as Henry VIII continues to insist that Sir Thomas swear fealty to him, Henry, as head of the new Church of England. To do so would, of course, violate More’s religious freedom and his conscience, and so More refuses. When Thomas’ friends express fear that he will be harmed, perhaps even executed, for refusing to violate his conscience, this line keeps coming up: “oh for God’s sake; this isn’t Spain. This is England.” I always used to sigh when hearing that line, struck by the naivete of those Brits who did not see what was coming, who did not see where they stood. Thomas would be executed for refusing to violate his conscience, for refusing to violate the religious freedom that England’s Rule of Law guaranteed.
Here we stand. I never thought I would be here. Yet here we are.